
To be educate, to create, to craft compositional tasks, is an important
part of a professional dance education.

To learn to think in movements, to study creative tools, to develop movement fantasy doesn’t mean all of us will become at the end choreographers but it gives the interpreter, the dancer, a change to develop an understanding and knowledge about the art of composition.

It will enrich the close relation of the interpreter and the choreographer.
The interpreter must be educated to transport and to translate the ideas of the choreographer by its sensibilized, trained and educated body.

The interpreter is the important link between the choreographer and the onlooker.
Creation is the visible and repeatable transmission of ideas, sensations, atmospheres, emotions…. through the body language in space and time.

To confront willingly the challenge to create, leads to the beginning of
-a proper body language
-develops creativity
-enhances the understanding from body expression and the relation between movement and emotion
-the implementation of a mental idea into a bodily expression

Small creative tasks can be given in the beginning to develop an understanding of the creative procedure towards a choreography.

Basic compositional tools as

-Types of Cannons
-Different Group Formations

Should be introduced and practiced enhancing the creative process.

All Movement efforts, all movement themes carry the potential for creative work and can be introduced to develop small choreographic Etudes.