Movement Analysis

The Knowledge of the moving Body in Space and Time

Movement Analysis relates to the physical and anatomical possibilities of the human body in motion. Its capacity to move within space and time by its muscular energy and its relation to the external powers.
First of all, Movement Analysis does not relate to any established Dance Technique, Vocabulary or Style. All human movement depend on the physical and anatomical possibilities of the body as well as on the external powers. So, all kind of human movement, does not matter an already established vocabulary or a simple daily movement can be explained, taught and understood by it.

The concentration lies here on the physical body action and its visible perception. By this, I want to provide first off all a practical and functional tool in order to develop a more deeper consciousness about the moving body. The emotional content of the body action, which is generated by rhythmic and dynamic patterns in relation to the shape of the body will be explained in different themes as Eukinetic or Effort Shape

To become conscious around the How/Where/When and Why the body moves, one has to be clear about how we perceive movements in general.

It does not exist any Body without Shape. And no Shape without a Body
Also one of the more obvious and important aspects of the moving body is its constant change of shape. These visible changes are generated by smaller or bigger movements, by one body part or by various ones.

When we analyse human movements, we divide the different movement aspects out of the idea to become more conscious about its complex composition, coordination, dynamic patterns, spatial relation and so on. One must be therefore completely aware, that this is an illusion, that we really can’t divide human movement. All aspects of human body movement are always present and in an interdependent relation. Each movement aspect plays a particular roll in the “construction” of a body action.

The Movement Factors
Each body action is a complex constellation of different motion aspects.
For instance:
When we see a car in motion, one captures first an object, with a certain shape, and its parts.
This indicates the
Body Factor.
Furthermore, we realize that this object is changing its position from A to B. We can perceive the direction that the vehicle is taking. We can make out the distance and the produced pathway. This indicates the
Space Factor.
Additionally, we become aware about the speed of the vehicle. We realize how fast or slow, means how urgent the object travels in space.
That indicates the
Time Factor.
As well one perceives the kind of force that is used to overcome gravity and moves the weight of the car that is put in motion.
That points to the
Energy/Weight Factor.
And another factor is perceived as well. We can notice if the car is carefully driven, with specific control or with a lot of confidence almost venturesome.
That indicates the
Flow Factor.

Body- What part/s of the body is/are moving- Action
Time- When does the body move, means taking - Decision
Space-Where does the body move too, what is its Aim - Orientation
Weight/Energy- Why does the body move, what is its -Intension
Flow- In what manner, How- does the body move - Control- Confidence