-       Movement Factor Flow

All impulses stay in a close relation to the flow of the movement. The movement Factor Flow stands as the cause, as the moving force of a body action. Without the flow factor no body action is possible. Although the flow factor might not work in a dominant way and its qualities are not consciously perceivable, all other movement factors are subject of its neutral continuity.

The Flow Factor nourishes and encourages the other factors in its development.

The quality changes of the flow factor prepare thus a kind of “substrate” within the body movement out of which the quality changes of the other movement factors can grow.


The Movement Flow,
is the visible, perceivable, variable and rich movement currant of the human movement.
The flow of movement stands out for the continuity of the course of movement and depends on tension and relaxation as well as on the quality of the tension.
Round and curved body shapes and spatial paths stimulate and facilitate the flow of movement.

Aim oriented, conscious space penetrating movements and angular forms reduce the continuity of the course of movement and lead rather to standstill than mobilisation.

In relation to the degree of movement mobility, connects the movement flow with the other Factors and forms two basic and oppositional sides.

Where stability tendentially leads towards a controlled and restricted movement flow, generates lability a fluent and disinhibited flow. Stability carries inside a tendency to standstill, to position and tends to finish movement. In its spatial development is Stability related to the dimensional directions.

While Lability, in contrast to stability, leads towards mobility, to movement in space and stays in relation to the diagonal direction.

The impulse, (interior/exterior) out of which movement is born, this driving motivation, produces an inner attitude which formulates and colorizes movement and helps to develop the composition of a body action.

Even, there isn’t a visible course of movement in space, exists an inner movement flow, which is perceivable in attitude, breath, body shape and body tension.