Flow Attitude

How we „let us flow“ depends on our trained attitude and personal posture confronting life itself. It expresses the Human-Environment relation. This bodily manifestation results out of our proper experience and demonstrates, how we individually enter and deal with our external world. This „dealing” symbolises our Life-Conservation, Life-Insurance.   

From birth on we process any stimulation and confrontation with our environment. The taken decisions and reactions are checked in relation to its success to conserve life and life quality, what includes, positive or negative qualities as pain, suffer, frustration, desire, happiness etc.

Out of this personal filtration slowly our attitude to „let flow “ and to “control” is firmed and structured. These Movement-Flow-Qualities shape our proper character essence, means the acting, expressing body itself.

For instance: the reduced or self-indulgent space-taking posture, the devoting or denning of our body weight, as well as the rather spontaneous or hesitated reactions in our daily life.

Flow-Experiences therefore (Life-Experiences) characterize and structure our body posture, body tension and body movement in relation to „Let go and Control “

The flow of movement in relation to body movement signifies, the conscious bodily Perception of letting flow, controlling, braking,
of letting- go, allowing to give in.

Signifies, the Feeling of reducing, stopping, controlling, releasing, letting go of the movement flow.


Feeling is the mental aspect of flow.
Feeling is the emotion of attraction and pleasure, or repulsion and disappointment.
This is manifested by our attitude related to the given life-situation. 

We accept or we deny and this in a limitless variety of variations. It would be completely wrong to examine these qualities as they were contrasts.
Here we talk about the flow of movement, which contains in its essence the flowing, the ahead- flowing of the movement. This flow, relating to its quality can be either controlled, careful and extreme watchful as well as rather untied and free, but at the end,
it flows.

Thus, it doesn’t exist any uniformed „Letting flow or Holding Back” The proper behaviour and acting, which is a result of our gained social experience and individual, personal aspects, organises in all of us the movement flow.

This completely individual constellation, gained out of experiences, and proper personal characteristics determines therefore in each individuum the free or controlled flow of movement, and this in unlimited nuances.


The inner participation of the factor flow is Adaptation.

Adaptation means, the alignment of the proper I
with the external world, as well as the alignment of the I- awareness with the subconscious. 

The gathered Life-Experience in relation to indulging or reserving within our daily life, develops and determines our movement-flow-decisions and aligns therefore our acting in relation to the given situation.