Tension Flow
The essence of flow is the ongoing motion of the body movement, we perceive the flow, its quality within the body and by its movements.
What is it what flows in the body?
What is it what we determine as Flow?
What produces this flow?
Are there moments where there is no Flow,
where nothing flows,
Where a standstill is achieved?
One can claim, if there is no visible, perceivable body movement in space, the factor flow is also absent. That would mean, we reduce movement flow down to the spatial-movement- perception, just on its visible progress in space.
The attitude of How one flows comes from inside.
The inner Flow-Attitude organizes the visible, external movement, the how to let flow.
Signifies, even if there isn’t no visible, spatial body movement perceivable, exists a specific internal flow-posture.
This becomes „visible “and perceivable through a particular body-tension, Body-Posture, Breath and Body-Shape.
Are there moments where nothing flows?
Exists a non-existence of body Flow?
I would answer this within Yes and No.
Yes – when we die – finishes this inner flow, ends the living relation between me and my environment.
The constant flow of energy within the body stopped, it isn’t now anymore necessary to secure the „being “, to take decisions of hesitating or giving in.
And - No – also in dying flow is present.
Our physical body decomposes itself, serves as nutrition, becomes “dust”.
The body, the Matter, becomes subject to the natural course of change.
Our individual and conscious Body-movement- flow stops but the universal flow continues.
What flows now and moves us?
Yes, of course energy flows in our body and gives us the possibility to move in space. This energy is manifested by body-tension. The human body is in a state of constant dynamic tension.
It is not a question that we reduce or increase body- tension, fact is, there is always a certain degree of tension present in the body. This tension constantly changes gradually or abrupt between Tension and Relaxation, and changes its quality.
Signifies, energy flows, which is manifested by a differentiated body- tension. This Body-Tension-Flow is under a steady change.