Tension-Flow Qualities

Analysed from a psychological point of few, demonstrates us the flow of tension our emotional and affective acting, our daily doing.

Tension-flow reveals the proper confrontation with our internal and external reality. It reflects our inner emotional world, as well as our posture and attitude in relation to our external world.

Tension-Flow describes and manifest necessities and sensations and relates to affect-regulation.

The Tension-Flow-Qualities are:

- Free flow
-Bound Flow


Free Flow
is associated with the sensation of carelessness, unconcern, to be care-free, to act with less caution, and even uncontrolled until a complete abandoned doing.

If we translate this in body- movement, we perceive movements, which contain in their essence a free floating quality, a quality which carries little, or contain less control, releases control and sometimes even exists no breaking in the movement.

Bound Flow
is associated with the sensation to be worried, doubtful with care acting.
Control of the moment and the situation, therefore controlled, fine tensed or strong tensed body movements, also oppressed and cramped doing. 

The essence of bound- flow- movements are, fine breaking gestures, resisting body movements, also strong “fighting”gestures.