Unlimited Flow - Variations resulting out of the combination of
Tension Flow Qualities with their Tension Flow properties.
It doesn’t exist any uniformed bound or free flow. We perceive different degrees of free and bound, as well as gradations within a flow quality. Therefore, the properties of the movement flow explain us something about the constellation of the respective flow quality.
About: Duration, Intensity and Frequence of Change.
The used Force in a body movement, free or bound floating, reveals something about the degree of Intensity of the Flow quality.
Thus one can recognise and differentiate gestures with a soft, bounded attitude, a light degree of control, a fine intensity, a balanced used energy but also highly controlled movements, with an extreme degree of resistance and intensity.
Nevertheless, do we recognize too, soft cloudy, free-floating action, with little resistance, almost weightless and as well as extreme and intensive free body movements.
For practical reasons it is appropriate to differentiate Flow intensity between:
- High
- Balanced
- Low
Frequence of Change
Another Flow-Property is the Frequence of change between the Flow Qualities bound and free.
We can differentiate between a Continues Quality flow,
signifies, the body moves with the same flow quality over a relative long time. The flow-quality is unchanging.
Or, the flow quality is changeable.
Signifies, a Discontinue Quality Flow, what describes body movements with a more frequent flow quality change, with a more erratic continuity.
On one side the course of movement reveals no or little change in relation to the flow quality.
So, one can say, there are no frequent flow quality changes.
And on the other side, we perceive more frequent changes within the flow qualities, between free and bound.
Duration of the Change of the flow-quality is the third
flow- property. This property is focused on the time aspect and analyses the temporary claim of the change.
An Abrupt change from one to the other flow quality goes together with little change-duration. A Gradual change contains a longer change-duration.