Internal and External Body Flow

The flow of tension makes inner necessities, sensations and forces through the body visible.

Observing the movement flow in relation to space, one can perceive how the dynamic flow of the Body shape manifests our relation to the outer and inner world. This becomes visible through the mediated form of the body.

This contains our Body-Shapes, Direction-Taking, Body- Extension and Contraction, focus, it expresses the spatial occupation of the body.

We distinguish here between
Internal body flow and External body flow

Internal Body Flow

This type of flow is body related. It exists a relation between the different body parts but not between body and space. The floating is inwardly.

Internal body flow contains the growing and shrinking, the expanding and contracting of the body as a reaction on its surrounding environment, inner moods or proper sensations.

The inner floating can occupy a small body part as the hand or the face or bigger ones as the whole torso. The floating is always directed to the inwardness of the body.

The Internal Movement Flow develops body-forms in space but doesn’t take a concrete spatial relation

External Body Flow

The internal body flow can transform itself into an external body flow, when the body movement takes a concrete spatial relation.

In this case, the perceived body shape is developed by an external stimulus. The natural basic action of external body flow is extension, growing, of take space. A part of the body or the whole body stretches out and touches space. The essence of this type of body flow isthe human relation to an external provocation or motivation.
A turn towards space.