Fundamental Body Shapes

We distinguish between Form that is set in a Body design and Dynamic Movement shapes, captured in space.

The body can develop form in a particular design. Represents a body shaped and placed in a certain position in space. Or the movement of the shifting body draws a dynamic, passing by and visible form in space. One is steady the other transitional. The fundamental forms for Body shapes are:
Pin- like
Wall- like
Ball/Screw – like

 Pin -like shape means, the use of
1-dimension in space. Body shapes and movements appear with in the dimension Height, Depth or Width and its associated directions.

Wall – like shape indicates the use of
2-dimensions in space. Body shapes and movements appear within the diametral directions. The body planes come here into play.

Door (Height and width)
Table (Depth and Width)
Wheel (Height and Depth)


Ball – like or Screw like form shows the use of 3 – dimensions in space. Body forms and movements appear within the diagonal directions in space. Using the three dimensions, volume is produced in the created form of the moving body.