Space Levels
In order to orientate us in space, we are used to structure it. We are able to organize space starting either from the body itself or taking the outer space as a reference. Therefore, we define directions, pathways, shapes and as well space levels.
The human natural way of growing is upright, vertical, against gravity. Like a tree or a plant searching the light.
Therefore it is common for us to recognize the sky as above us, the ground below us and the horizon as the level in-between, which human beings above all uses to move.
Thus in movement analysis one distinguishes within three Space Levels
High Level
Medium Level
Low Level
One evaluates, taking in account the upright vertical body posture, as basic position to differentiate and identify the change of the body supports (Naturally the legs are the weight carriers) in the levels of space. En general, we are moving most of the time in the middle Level.
Bending the legs, or slighting with the body into the ground, significates, we enter the Low Level. Jumping, rising on the toes means one enters the High Level.
And moving in space with no significant level change means, one is in the Middle Level.
Moving in the high and low level we realize a variety of degrees.
Thus, there are physical degrees in space level low like: lower, lowest or the lowest as possible, being on the ground completely. And of course, the same applies for the high level.
When we analyse body gestures (the limbs, arms and legs), one uses the basic join of the limb to differentiate what is above and what is under.
So for instance: high level for the arm gesture is above shoulder level and low level is below it.