If we move the body and its parts in a clear defind and concret direction, we panetrate space with a directional intension. we move directly to something or someone without detour. This generates or developes a line, a ray in space, which starts close to the body and moves into space. In the case of the six basic directions we generate the Dimensional cross. A defind line starts from the center of the body into front/back/left/right/up/down.
Opposing Directions
Now we have to take in account, in movement no direction exists alone. If one moves up the stairs, on has to push down in order to move up. If one sits down on a chair, unconsciously the upper body lifts, or holds softly up while sitting down. That means, when moving the body, we produce unknowingly a certain physical tension, which generates infinite little shifts and tiny movements in other directions than the main movement direction, that generates counterweight, opposing directions, counter movement so one can coordinate and potentiate the body action in space.
If we move now consciously into one dimension, with two opposing directions, as up and down simultaeously, it generates a great physical tension and gives space to body dynamic and expression.
Counter directions carry within dynamic potencial and expressiv potenciality. The body with its parts, moves, expends simultaneously into two directions. Dynamic space is generated, which is the fruitful base of body movement.
This two directions become one. They are harmoniously connectd by the physical action.