Concepts of Space


We orientate ourselves in space in reference to objects, solids, other beings, by gravity and by our own body. “Something is in front of me, the book beside the chair, he runs behind him” and so on.
Exists the Sense of Direction,
What means the ability to know ones owns location and perform based on this knowledge space actions, finding its way.
Space and solids go together. If there wouldn’t be something
solid, including us, we couldn’t orientate ourself, and our body in space and whatever spatial decision would be impossible.
We are a being living in and expressing us with a three-dimensional body. Starting from the body centre, we expand physically into the three dimensions; Length, Depth and Breadth.
The area Front and Down take special importance in relation to our orientation in space.
Almost all our senses, Sight, Smell, Taste, Hearing are aligned within the Front area. This is the area of communication. To receive correct information, we must move within the front area. Just in special occasions or in playing or dancing we use also the other areas.
The area Down is related with the natural force Gravity.
When letting go, releasing muscular tension, our body weight moves generally downwards to gravity.

Initiating therefore from a solid body we can than organize Space to orientate us and move within.
If one would be out in orbit, our orientation would be clearly related towards the spaceship, our closer or further away, under or over related to the solid body

If one would be in the middle of the woods, there wouldn’t be an established Front by itself. We would define Front where our body front directs to. For instance, a point of interest. Starting from this we can than define the other directions, according to gravity of course.
In ancient times, people orientated themself by recognizing natural features as the stars, the white mountain, the river. The tree with the yellow flowers in spring and the red fruits in summer and so on. By this, people developed a kind of mental geographic map that helped to structure space, orientate and move within.
Human being than conquered and structured Nature in relation to its own will by building paths, streets, bridges and tunnels that guide towards a certain aim.
Today we use and trust technology to guide us in space. It gives us the precise direction, distance and even pathway (if straight or roundabout) to move with our cars, buses planes, and trains.