Objective Time- Subjective Time

Already from early age on we are confronted with two types of time perception. On one side, in general unconsciously, one must arrange oneself or get used to a particular timing for planed events.

And on the other side exists, a floating in time/space with no apparent time limitations.

Objective Time

The first type teaches and shows us foremost the structure of our time system. The hour we must get up in the morning, to leave for the kindergarten, then later school and then follows work. It teaches us that there are existing time limits to manage or to fulfil an event or task in our life and that of the others.

The duration of our sleep, the maximum for a class, for an examen, to complete a certain duty at work, for a play like football.

Objective time means, that one follows the instructions, in this case concerned with the factor time, of another person, institution or simply an external given time arrangement.
These time specifications can relate to a particular Time Duration, Puls, Dynamic Pattern, Rhythmic Structure etc.
Signifies, one put its own proper necessities, feelings, instinct or ideas aside and follows the external given Time structure.
When one dances one follows, in general motivated by the rhythm, pulse or melody, the music and sets its own movement patterns or given choreography in relation to it.

Subjective Time

The other perceived type of time is related with a kind of freedom, a “time setting freedom”
Specially occurring in childhood, when one is spending its time completely indulged in an activity, ignorant of fulfilling any time limit because there is none and the child can fall free in its activity.
For adults in general perceived during the time of vacation, where the time decisions are determined by proper essentials, means by an  inner sensation or spontaneous motivation following an own time - feeling.  
In Dance, subjective time plays a very important role for the awareness and growth of a proper movement-time relation.
Moving in its own time-feeling, giving oneself the time and space to experiment and to perceive how its own movement and time relate, with no given external time structure, develops a consciousness, a sensibility for dynamic and rhythm, for the in between
and of course for structure.