Weight – Energy – Gravity

One of the most impressive natural powers. that has its impact on everything that exists on this planet is Gravity,

It is the principle that describes the force effect between two bodies.
It is the force that pulls all bodies towards the centre of the earth.
Gravity comes from Gravitas (lat.) and means Heaviness. So gravity is:
The power of heaviness. 

To overcome this natural force, energy is required. 
Plants for Instance, grow towards and against gravity. Their roots going down into the ground with gravity and the upper part of the plant grows towards the light against gravity in a vertical direction.
Watter is transported from the roots through the vessels into the upper part of the plant.
That causes a certain pressure, which works as a kind of energy system and develops a stability against gravity within the plant.

Another interesting and important aspect seems to be the vertical orientation of the plant in relation to the power of gravity.
Because of its vertical orientation, the force of its own weight leads through its centre of gravity and therefore less energy is necessary to resist gravity.

In Human beings the energy to overcome gravity and to pull against it, is called Muscular Force. This energy acts on the body weight against gravity and allows us to transport our body and to fulfil our necessities.
What the pressure of water causes within a plant, is muscular energy creating in the human body, a constant flow of Tension that supports the body.