Tension and Relaxation
Within the human body a steady flow of energy is present. This energy is contributed within the whole body. It Protects us from the external factors as cold, wind, heat or humidity as an external shield.
Makes our digesting system work, nourishes the organs, maintains our immune system, sustains the brain… and as well is existential for the muscular work.
By this energy a muscular Tension is established and therefore we can resist the pull of gravity and act in space and time.
Relaxation on the other hand, is not the absence of energy. It means, reducing the amount of tension in the body or body part. Therefore, one can say, by relaxation body weight is released and assists gravity.
Tension and relaxation are one, like two sides of coin.
Tension converts into relaxation and relaxation into tension. This normal cycle of opposing and giving in gravity expresses in a natural way the flow of movement, increasing and decreasing.
The physical manifestation of tension and relaxation in the body changes depending on the requested amount of force or weight.
Both drives are spatial related to the first dimension Height, with its directions up and down
Strong Tension contracts the body and moves inwardly, down
Soft Tension expands the body and moves outwardly, up
Heavy Relaxation decreases the body and moves inwardly, down
Soft Release opens the body and moves outwardly, up