Expressive-Functional Energy

All living beings express themselves by movement. The physical activity is an essential need to maintain and produce life.
Thus, each muscular force, each bodily movement is the result of a true reason.

Dance gesture in comparison is not real, yes, the corporal action is spontaneous and real, but the dance gesture is illusory.
Dance gesture rises from a creative imaginative motivation, from a personnel emotion. It seems on one side self-expression, spontaneous and expressive but on the other side, it is a conscious designed gesture, which is repeatable on demand.
It is a movement, that is intentionally selected out of a tremendous variety of emotive human movements and originated through the idea to reproduce or “imitate” a certain part of reality.

Therefore, one should understand the difference between functional energy and expressive energy.

Functional Energy signifies, applied muscular force within our reality. Spontaneous and practical bodily actions, motivated out of real needs. With real feelings and under real emotional conditions.


Expressive Energy implies, real bodily movements produced out of imagined feelings, situations or emotions, forming a virtual reality.