Body Coordination

Coordination is the course of action of the body, that allows the moving body parts to work or interact in movement.
This occurs either in a simultaneous or sequential manner.
It is the natural body logic of cause and effect in movement. Coordination occurs in motion. It is there where we can experience it.
Several coordination components exist. By use of the human body bi-laterality, body anatomy, the appropriate muscular tension etc, body coordination comes into view.

Coordination components

Principle of Counter Movement

One of the natural coordination principles is called counter movement or opposition. Movement opposition gives the body the possibility to potentiate the body action, it provides balance and stability

Principle of Counter Action

It refers to body movements, where no natural counterforce exists, as in falling or flying. (If there is a natural counter force, the given force of the body, receives an equal counter force as the pathway, or ground against the feet of the runner.)
The principle of counter action states, if there are no reactions of the environment, counter movements of the body are necessary.

Principle of Counterweight

The principle of counter weight, also called counter balance states, when the body weight loses the stable equilibrium, (means the centre of gravity or another bigger body part is shifted away from the line of gravity towards the border of the body weight carrier), an equal amount of body weight, is shifted in the opposite direction in order to keep the body in balance or avoid falling. It can be executed either giving in gravity or fighting against gravity.

Principle of Sequential Movement

Refers to the way movements of body parts precede and follow each other successively through the body or parts of it.

Principle of Counter tension

States, that to keep a certain stability in the body while moving in space, oppositional body tension is necessary.

Principal of Disassociation

Also called Dynamic coordination or Split Dynamic
Refers to the act of simultaneous body movements of different body parts, which move independently
in space, time, flow or energy.