Movement Conduction

The expression „Movement Conduction” refers to the manner, how the body and its parts are travelling in Space. And more specific, what part of the body is visually responsible in conducting the body through space. In other Words, which body part leads the movement action in space, in which direction or level conducts the body part the rest of body or body parts.

Before we analyse the conduction of the body action, we have to know where the movement starts in the body and where it ends
Here we distinguish between the initial point of movement and terminal point of the movement. We analyse this of course always from a visual point of view means, how do I perceive visually the movement.

Initial starting Point
Means where the body action has its beginning. This could be each body part, some more visually obvious, like the elbow or knee
others more hidden like the body centre or centre of the palm

Terminal Point
Significates, where, in which part of the body, does the action finishes.
This could be close to the initial point or more far away.

We distinguish two forms of conduction

a) Leading
Leading significant, that a Body joint, or body tip as a leading point conducts the body action. This could be for instance the Knee, Elbow, Shoulder, Wrist, Fingertip, Nose etc. Conducting an action with leading seems like to penetrate the space, the air.

b) Guidance
Guidance means, that a body surface, or an edge moves the action through space. Conducting with a surface seems to give the feeling to push or move the air in space.
Here we have for instance, the four surfaces of the arm or leg (internal, external, anterior, posterior), the palm, the back or front of the torso, the pelvis